How to join / pay your subscription
Details of membership are kept in a computer database and are used solely for Club purposes. If you object to your membership details being stored in this way, or if you wish to see or update your details, please advise the Membership Secretary accordingly.
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December in each year. The Club publishes a colour Newsletter three times a year and an annual journal the Essex Naturalist. These are free on publication to fully paid up members or for the year to which the subscription applies. Members joining the EFC part way through the membership year will receive the backdated publications for the year in digital format only, but hard copies can be collected at the annual Ex and Soc and the AGM if required. New members who join after the 1st October can defer their membership until the following 1st January, but they will not receive publications until that date. Occasional publications are made available at a reduced rate or free to members. And you also get the field meetings, Annual Exhibition and buffet, and expert help from Field Club Recorders and members!
Ordinary membership 15.00 - standard individual membership Junior membership 10.00 - under 18 Family membership 17.50 - which includes one set of publications per family Corporate membership 20.00 - Institutional or Corporate membership (libraries, institutions, organisations, companies, consultancies, etc These rates are only applicable in the United Kingdom. If you would like to join as an overseas member or are interested in hosted membership, please contact us.
To join or pay your subscription on-line, we have to make an additional charge of £0.75 to cover our costs, which have been increased in August 2019. This applies to all subscription payments by PayPal. Please fill in the following details, then choose your membership type. You can make a donation below with your subscription, or a donation here without membership. Please note that you can choose the pay by card option and do not need to log into PayPal.
Or, you can make a donation without including membership using this link.
To join by post: Application form (print off, complete the application form and return to the Membership Secretary enclosing your cheque)